My Philosophy
When I was a child I used to think that there had to be more to life than what I was experiencing — this profound knowing is still fueling my journey into self-discovery.
As a Holistic Wellness Coach, I aim to support and empower people through life tribulations. Although these changes may at times, appear challenging, they can also be gateways to wholeness.
Drawing on the transcendent quality of consciousness, Transpersonal Coaching is a means to shift the client from ego-centred focus (on problems) towards expansive awareness.
Women In
Using the Transpersonal space to guide clients towards wholeness, together we transform challenging times into opportunities for personal growth and self-actualization.
The subconscious mind is considered to be the source or root of many of our behaviors, emotions, attitudes and motivations. Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for accessing the subconscious mind and creating dramatic improvements in our lives.
Usui Reiki Healing
A complementary health approach, Reiki is a healing practice in which the practitioner places her hands lightly on or just above the client’s body, with the goal of facilitating the person’s own healing response.
Client Testimonials
Hillary Radcliff
“When I first met Stephanie I was deep within a cycle of debilitating anxiety. It’s been about 3 months and I can honestly say, I have never felt better physically, emotionally or spiritually. I can’t say enough good things about my time with Stephanie or her work as a therapist. She is an outstanding teacher and mentor.”
Aurelie Gauthier
“Stephanie is extremely trustworthy and I found it easy to open to her as we were embarking on that life changing journey together.
Thanks to her approach, we built a very strong patient-therapist relation based on trust and respect.
I don’t think I will ever have enough words to express my gratitude to Stephanie, as working with her has completely changed my life and helped me realise my true potential.”
Melanie Patching
“I came to Stephanie for help with low self-esteem and depression. With Stephanie’s caring encouragement and professional guidance, I have healed a lot of hidden wounds that were unconsciously impacting my life, and can confidently say that I am happier now than I have ever been. Stephanie genuinely cares about other people’s happiness and devotes her life to helping others find access to living lives they love.”